Our organization runs a network of $1 Billion+ in Assets Under Management organizations made up of institutional investors, sponsors, sovereign wealth funds, fund managers, and family offices who all invest into real estate. The purpose of our group is to share strategies, deal flow, structures, and tools between members. Benefits of being part of the club include:
If you would like to become a member there is no upfront fee to do so, but there is a screening process to ensure a productive use of our team’s resources and time. Please complete the application below to join. If you cannot share what your assets under management are, or you do not manage them directly than you do not qualify to join, as we do not allow brokers, investment bankers, or third party representatives of organizations to join. Please complete the form using your organizations professional email address and not your personal one, and please note your role and place on the website, pitch deck materials, or otherwise to show you are part of the organization you are referring to in the application. Thank you for applying and please let us know if you have any questions.
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