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Real Estate Glossary


Abutting properties are properties or parcels of land that share a common boundary. They are the pieces of real estate or properties that are across the street or alley and the real estate and properties immediately on either...

Real Estate Glossary

Air Rights

This is a type of property interest stating that property owners also own the rights to the air space above the property they've purchased. Property owners may choose to lease or sell their air rights, or they may also choose to...

Real Estate Glossary

Abstract of judgment

This refers to a document that is used to place a lien on someone's real property if they lose a lawsuit and cannot pay the judgment against them. It states the amount of money the losing side owes to the lawsuit winner, court...

Real Estate Glossary


Advisors are brokers, investment bankers, or consultants who represent an investor in a transaction. They may be paid a retainer or a performance fee upon the closing of a sales transaction. Advisers provide research, analysis...

Real Estate Glossary

Add Value

Add value is the fourth stage of the transaction management process. It pertains to a transaction manager's planning and continual contact with key decision-makers such as investors, users, and other ancillary professionals. Add...

Real Estate Glossary

Asking (list) price

This is the price placed on a property that is for sale. It is generally part of the property listing and is often not the final price to be paid by the borrower. The asking or list price will depend on various factors, one of...

CRE Insights Blog

Lean Capital Raising

In this video module from the Hedge Fund Group and the Certified Hedge Fund Professional (CHP), Richard C. Wilson discusses lean capital raising strategies and practices. If you would like to learn more about the Hedge Fund Group...

Real Estate Glossary


An assignor is an individual or an entity responsible for transferring a claim, title, interest, right, or property to another person. In terms of assigning property, the assignor has the right to impose limits on the assignee.