Richard discusses how important it is to have a high conviction in the projects that you are working on. Hello, this is Richard Wilson. I’m coming to you from downtown Philadelphia. I was just here to meet with a potential investment target for one of our single family offices and that we might invest in as well from Wilson Holding Company and the Family Office Club. What I wanted to record on today was just having a high conviction mindset to everything you do. If you are working on any project and you don’t have a high conviction that you’re going to get it to $10 million a year, that it’s not going to be worth your time to invest in it compared to everything else you could maybe spending your time on or if you’re working with a client and they don’t seem to have a high conviction in your abilities and they’re questioning everything you do, I think you really need to be thinking hard about whether that is a good further relationship to carry on, a further project for you to invest in your money, your energy in. Because what I’ve found is that if you have the attitude or you’re going to get something done, get it to the finish line no matter what and you have high conviction in that, then you are much more likely to get it done and people are attracted to work with you. You make decisions faster because you have confidence that if something goes wrong, you’re gonna be able to fix it and the value’s in the team, not in the one idea that you might have for the strategy or the relationship or the capital raise you’re trying to do. I guess the main point of this video is just to look at everything you’re doing, the portfolio of things that are taking your time, eliminate things that you do not have high conviction in, maybe let clients go that don’t have high conviction in you and make sure that as you’re strategizing, that you just move forward to the things that you are really high conviction in so you get more things to the finish line and less things started that don’t get finished. I hope you enjoy this quick video. I think this is relevant for anyone who’s raising capital, running a portfolio of businesses, running a family office or running some sort of investment fund and is trying to raise capital or gather up investors. I hope you enjoy this video and I’ll see you on the next one.