Thank you. That was great, Peter. I think one thing I took from his talk is something I definitely agree with. As the more noise in an area, then the more niche you need to be to break through that noise so that you’re appealing to someone very, very well and not going after a generic market position. I also wanted to point out that the whole point of doing Capital Con is to provide the value that you might not have joined a family office club for, in your head, but really could be more helpful than the investor events you attend. So a lot of people say, “Oh, are there going to be investors at the VL Flow Summit or the Super Summit?” And, of course, there are, and they want them to be there because they want to shake their hand and to get to know them. They want to get real business done and real deals closed. We know that’s important, we know that’s a big reason why people come in and join, but it’s the equivalent of saying, “Hey Richard, do you have a fish for me? Can you find me a fish that wants to invest in crypto, in an apartment building, in self storage, in my private equity fund?” But I think the deeper layer of value that we try to bring with the Capital Raising boot camps and this event is teaching you how to build your own fishing pole, use fishing nets, where to fish, what type of bait to use for the exact type of fish that you should be going for and for the stage at which your investment firm is at right now, and then once you catch the fish on a hook, how do you scan and prepare and eat that fish? Because otherwise, if someone hands you a fish, you don’t know how to cook it, you don’t know how to skin it, you don’t know how to get more fish. How much real value is that? That’s just someone handing you a piece of candy versus teaching you how to grow your own food and prepare your food and cook it and eat it. So I really think it’s the deeper level of value that we’re trying to provide in the Family Office Club and it’s hard to explain that through a website, even with the great people we’ve been adding to our team, trying to explain that as part of the membership. But I really encourage you to log in to the membership portal and talk to Jennifer today if you do not have your log in details, because we have several hundred investors interviewed in the membership portal, several conferences you can stream through the portal, HD versions of the Capital Raising Bootcamp webinars for anyone on your team that needs to watch one on deal origination, how to build a family office network. And free certifications programs that someone on your team can become a Certified Capital Raising Specialist or a Qualified Family Office Professional and your membership is firm, so it could be anyone on your team. You might hire someone new who raised institutional capital, you might want them to get certified in the family office space to help you make progress there. So I just wanted to make that known. That’s the whole point of doing this event and adding this type of value to the membership, so it’s not just about, “Oh, I can shake some investor hands by coming to Family Office Club events.”