Great. Alright. We go ahead and get started. So thank you for joining us here at the Webinar. The point of today is to go over 17 different strategies. They’re going to help you if you’re a private investor. This is going to be most helpful if you are investing in direct investments, if you’ve just inherited capital, just sold your business, if you run a single family office, if you work with private investors day to day as an estate planner, tax advisor, a wealth advisor of some type. It’s going to be helpful if you’re helping your father or your son in helping takeover a family office or run a family office. So we hope that by the end of this, you come away with over a dozen things that you hadn’t thought enough about, you had never thought about or you know, you now need to take action on. It’s also going to be helpful to anyone who is looking to work with investors on the capital raising side. Maybe you’re a Real Estate Developer or Advisor of some type that consults, on the capital raising process or investor relations, et cetera. So let’s jump right into the content. First off, I want to share that, everything we talked about here at the Family Office club obviously is meant to provide a general overview, a 10,000 foot view, best practices, models, et Cetera. That specific application of it in Singapore versus Seattle, Washington versus Toronto could be different. So obviously consult with a legal counsel or implementing something real fast without thinking through all the consequences, your legal structure, et cetera. If you’re not familiar with us already, the Family Office Club has been around for 12 years and over that time we’ve hosted 118 conferences. We’ve had over a thousand private investors on stage at our live conferences with about 40 of these live Webinars in the past. And we are unique in that we have a platform where we have the number one most visited website,, the most downloaded podcast called the Family Office Podcast. Thats the most creative name I know, but easy to find, if you want to follow us there and learn more about what we’re up to. And then while we provide resources for those on the investor relation side, we really only do the engagement of advisory work on the family office side of things through our Centimillionaire Advisors, LLC Division, and through Centimillionaire Advisors, we help set up single family offices and developed Direct Investment programs. So, and that’s on us really many of you already know who we are and that’s how you got onto this live Webinar or this live feed. And we’ve served clients at 15 million, 30 million net worth. We serve clients at $3 billion plus in network. Most of our clients are at the 50 to a $100M level up to say 700 900 million in assets under management. Those types of clients need a lot of help. They need a lot of work, but oftentimes don’t have a formalized family office in place yet and could do a lot to improve their processes database. If you’re following along visually via the zoom Webinar software, you can see this page. You said a couple of days. The event schedule is always on the homepage of family Alright. Let’s jump right into the 17 strategies and insights and tools that we’re going to provide to you on this recording here today. Number one, is that many people get hung up on the fact they learn what a family office is. They hear that a family office is a more holistic and more complete, more full balance sheet solution for their wealth. They get really hung up on whether they need a single family office or a multifamily office. Or they think, well, we have our holdings, we have a CPA, maybe we kind of do already have a single family office.