Hello. This is Richard Wilson coming to you from downtown Atlanta, Georgia. And I’m sorry for the bouncy video, but we’re just walking back from lunch for our capital raising workshop here. And I wanted to share something that someone just shared openly at the workshop. It was the first question of the day and sometimes, people when they start hearing our workshop and our five step system for attracting investors, they’re skeptical before they see how the whole system kind of feeds on itself and grows. So I didn’t know what was going to come out of his mouth, but he said last year he came to our New York workshop. He started implementing the ideas and as soon as he had his first thought leadership asset done, he raised $600,000 in a matter of two weeks. And he’s attracted numerous other investors from putting in place our advice. So he’s back this year just to refine it to the next level. That was pretty great to hear. Definitely enjoy hearing that more than the skepticism that we always try to address early on. Because a lot of the stuff we teach is stuff that people don’t want to do, don’t think they have the time to do, don’t think they can do, and we help show them that they can. And that the very fact that almost no one does it is why it makes it valuable. If everybody did it, it’d be commoditized and it would not be valuable anymore. So I hope you’re able to attend one of these four capital raising boot camps we’re hosting this month. If not, we’re doing a couple more in April this year. And every year we’ll be doing several capital raising workshops and 15 conferences in total this year. Including many Family Office Summits. So hopefully we’ll see you at one of those live. This is Richard Wilson at The Family Office Club. And I’ll talk to you again soon.